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At White Doves Funeral Planning we recognize and acknowledge that the world has changed … a ‘one size fits all’ model no longer works and people quite rightly are demanding more choice when it comes to the sensitive subject of their funeral arrangements. 

We appreciate that this is a difficult subject, and nobody really wants to think about their own mortality, let alone the specifics of their funeral.  To help keep things simple, we have created a range of plans to give you the widest choice, including a no fuss cremation plan which became an increasingly popular option after Covid changed the world and people’s views on funerals.

Regardless of which type of plan you choose, we are here for your family, to help and guide them at a challenging and traumatic time. Putting a plan in place is so important, especially if you pass away in a country where the customs and language can be very different to what you are used to.

If you are someone who likes to be in control of your life and finances, having a prepaid funeral plan gives you the opportunity to take control and plan ahead.  One of the key bonuses of paying for your funeral now, is protecting against steeply rising funeral costs by securing the price today. Can you imagine how much the cost of your funeral may be in 10 years’ time or more? 

Clearly, none of us know the date we will pass away, and prepaying will avoid cash flow problems for your remaining family at a difficult time. 

Don’t bury your head in the sand and leave it until it’s too late.

Enjoy life with peace of mind knowing everything is sorted for you and your family.

For further information, call or email

+34 671 376 138
