  • imageAdvertising & Marketing
  • imageAir Conditioning & Heating
  • Animal Rescue
  • imageArchitects
  • imageArts & Entertainment
  • imageAutomotive
  • imageBars & Restaurants
  • imageBeauty & Hairdressers
  • imageBuilders & Plumbers
  • imageBusiness
  • imageCare Services
  • imageCharity
  • imageCommunity
  • imageCurrency
  • imageDog Groomers
  • imageEducation
  • imageElectricians
  • imageEstate Agents
  • imageFeatured
  • imageFitness
  • imageFlorists & Garden Centres
  • Funeral Planning
  • Gardening
  • imageGifts
  • imageHardware Decorating Store
  • imageHealth & Dental
  • Horse Riding
  • imageHotels & Guest houses
  • imageInsurance
  • imageLandscaping and Gardening
  • imageLaw & Tax
  • imageLegal & Finance
  • imageOpticians
  • imageOutdoor Pursuits
  • imagePhones, TV, Computers, Phone Contracts
  • imagePrinters
  • imageProperty / Pool Maintenance
  • imageProperty Management
  • imageServices
  • imageShops
  • imageSocieties & Enthusiasts
  • Sports
  • imageSupermarkets & Food stores
  • imageVehicles & Transport
  • imageVeterinary

So, Whats this about then?

The Dream Centre is an actual place that exists in the beautiful Spanish village of Hondón de los Frailes, Alicante, Spain.

What’s happening in the local community? How can I get involved?

We’re not just here for Sunday’s. We have many midweek events that are for the local community in and around Hondón de los Frailes.

  • A Local Church
  • A Connections Cafe
  • Dance Classes
  • Bible Training centre
  • Christian Retreat
  • Conference centre
  • Feed the need food bank
  • Men of Purpose & Women of Destiny groups
  • Community Hub for friendship and events
  • International TV Studio
  • Humanitarian Aid and Disaster relief centre
  • Prevention or Relief of Poverty, charity shop & food bank
  • Advocacy / advice / information
  • Life Tributes with that special touch for Funerals
  • Grief, loss and divorce recovery 
  • Wedding venue and services
  • Library
  • Youth club
  • Film club.
  • Spiritual guidance and counselling
  • Education and training  