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I am Mayka Mira, Architect and Technical Architect by profession and vocation. I have more than 15 years of experience in the sector.

I like to listen, understand and help colleagues, who, as I have experienced myself, at some point may feel lost in how to do a project, where to start or who to contact.

I want to put all my knowledge and experiences at your service to resolve your doubts and make you feel supported in your decisions. I can offer you examples, models and documentation, as well as help you in writing and carrying out the project that you have been commissioned.

Ask me and improve your work, saving you time reading documentation, contacting Town Halls or searching for suppliers.

How Can we help you?

  • Personalized attention.
  • Consultation face-to-face and online.
  • Resolution of doubts.
  • Carrying out the work or part of the work that you need.
  • Contribution of model documents so that you can carry out your orders.
  • Help in procedures with Town Halls and Public Organizations.
  • Contact with certified professionals.